Amy Finklestein

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Amy Finklestein



8x10" polaroid film transfer onto wooden bowl

From the time I got my first camera at 16, photography has never been about recording the world as it appears. My intuition is to use photography to construct a sense of things that are unseen. My work involves a variety of materials used to create a set of circumstances for light to pass through, which I photograph with analog processes. Last March as the pandemic set in, I had a daily ritual of looking up to the sky in my yard around dusk. On March 18, 2020 I took a simple picture looking up to my sliver of our collective sky, and the foregrounded tree branches within it. From this picture, I have spent this time making and photographing iterations of a replica of this one moment in time. The project, titled “this now, that now is nowhere [March 18, 2020],” will ultimately include 150 Polaroids. For the Alchemical Vessels piece, I transferred the film emulsion of three 8x10” Polaroids from this project directly onto the surface of the bowl.

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